
Behind the Scenes: I Exist. Hear Me.

I Exist. Hear Me. is a poem born out of self-reflection and a determination to never give up on me no matter how much lingering voices I'd heard over the years say otherwise.

Inspiration / Muse:
I entered a contest sponsored by the South Jersey Writers' Group in January of 2018. Even though this poem had a slight dark edge to it, I submitted it as a statement of courage in the hopes of helping others to persevere even when the mind attempts to talk a person out of pursuing one's dreams. It's a crazy battle, but one worth fighting.

I Exist points to the value a person has just by being here, before any accomplishments and outside of monetary wealth. Hear Me is a desperate cry to be understood on a deep level.

Writing poetry is a vibrant and colorful way to express emotions sometimes too deep for mundane words. I write what I feel, not just what I think. It's a journey that started in grade school and continues through the challenges of adulthood.

Meaning behind the cover:
No cover needed for this poem. It's interesting to think what it might have been, though.

Impact / Tribute:
I'm glad I didn't listen to my initial thought of not submitting this poem. The words resonate with many people and continue to inspire me to keep going. I look forward to helping others with my writing. I'm grateful to have this gift.

The eleventh in the Behind the Scenes series is planned for August 1, 2020.


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